For A Limited Time Join the 'Free by 50' Challenge for $297 ............. (normally $3995
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The Next 'Free By 50' Challenge Starts on Sep 13
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Dear 45+ Business Owner
50 isn’t that far away is it?
And your business isn’t where you would thought it would be.
You thought owning a business would give you more freedom.
Working the hours you want…
Being able to take more holidays…
And making the money you want…
Wait, when does that start?
Everything you dreamt of achieving in your business by 50 looks like it isn’t going to happen for a while.
You feel you are running out of time…
Your kids are growing up…
Your wife wants you more at home…
And your body is not getting any younger…
The last thing you want is being in the same place in 10 years time.
You’ve tried working harder and harder.
But all your time gets sucked up dealing with the day to day…
Reacting to the countless demands from customers,
Dealing with problems…
Constant questions from staff…. the list goes on.
It feels like everything depends on you.
It’s stressful.
And there isn’t enough time to work on projects you know would move your business forward.
Your business has taken over your life!
Not to mention the pressures you are getting from home…
Your wife is always saying ‘All you ever do is work’ and ‘You never have any time off’.
Not to mention she and the kids just want more of your time.
You feel trapped… like a slave to your business.
And you feel you are running out of time to achieve your business dreams.
Something needs to change before it’s too late.
The good news is there is hope…
Like one of our customers Mick Fitzpatrick who ran an electrical business.
When Mick came to us he was struggling working 80-90 hours a week.
He felt like a slave to his business… working really hard for little reward.
And he hated it…he was stuck in the day to day and couldn’t see past it.
So we helped Mick get really clear on what he wanted…
You see Mick loved sailing….
And he thought it would be amazing if he could go sailing up and down the coast on his twin hull catamaran whenever he wanted.
It was the reason he got into business in the first place.
But had been buried in the busyness of running his business.
So we helped Mick create a game plan to achieve his dream… to scale back off the tools altogether.
And gave him the education, support and accountability to make it happen.
And guess what?
Within 13 months Mick was able to get his hours down to working half a day a week…
And go sailing whenever he wanted.
Now you might be thinking… “what does this have to do with me?”
This could be your story.
You see when Mick was stuck he turned to us for help.
And the first thing we did was help him create a Game Plan to achieve his business dream.
Now up until today businesses would invest $3000 for this and was only available inside our premium 1 on 1 coaching program.
But one of our mentors challenged us to help more businesses.
And being close to 50 we understand the urgency to do something now.
So we put together the ‘Free by 50’ challenge to guide you step by step to create a Game Plan to achieve your business dreams in the next 3 years.
And you can join us for a special introductory price of $297.
This isn’t some magic pill or get rich quick scheme.
Just a proven and practical pathway for business owners to go from being stuck in the day to day running of their business to achieving business freedom.
Business owners like Mick who had a dream for their business but couldn’t break free from the trap they were in.
So if you feel like you are running out of time to achieve your business dream then join us for the 5 Day ‘Free by 50’ Challenge starting on September 13.
On the challenge you will create your Game Plan to achieve your business dreams in the next 3 years.
Click the button below to get registered right away, and ensure you don't miss this incredibly unique and powerful mentoring opportunity.
Don't waste another year of your life.
Accelerate your business dream with massive levels of clarity, focus and be super excited about the future of your business.
We can't wait to see what happens once you create your Game Plan by joining us on the 5 Day ‘Free by 50’ Challenge.

To your success,

Gavin and Rueben 
#1 Best Selling Author of Two Books, Member of the Two Comma Club, Founder of The and Fortress Financial Group, an Industry Leading Financial Services Company
In Mozambique learning Church Planting from Mama Heidi Baker.
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